Monday 2 March 2015

What is Lost Will Never be Better to be Replaced

Posted by Unknown at 08:01 0 comments
I've once received a carousel music box. It was my first ever gift from my mom. I always fancy those cute little things which made me cry upon receiving that present (yesss i know hati i tak sado mana, tacing over simple things). Since then i keep playing the music after taking bath, after eating, the moment reaching home from school even after yakyak ponn i nk pasang jugak.Eyuwwww~~ My love for that music box is so powerful even Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth bennet love ponn kalah. Duhhh~~
So i brought that music box to my school (saje nk bajet over little thing). Yes i know i was a BIT not matured back then :P
My friends semua(?) said it was a wonderful gift with uninterested faces. Tampor kangg!!! I don't really care it the praises were sincere or not since I don't really know much about the price (yelah barang buruk murah who cares kann) but for sure i value that carousel music box so much because it was a gift from a person who love me and who i love. It was so important as much valuable as a box full of dreams to live. (aicehhh over jeee kau)
But yeahhh hidup won't always be on our side kann. There's this person (i don't hate her okayyy haha) she broke my music box. OH Yes !!!!! She did broke my super duper cute music box for God sake ;(
I don't blame her for that, maybe it was just my music box end of life sobsss~~
She did apologize. She must feel so guilty that she even bought me a new one (okay terharu sikit laa).I appreciated it,
but it doesn't feel the same. Even she replaced it with a more expensive one,it still doesn't feel the same.


Same goes with salah(solat) my dear brothers and sisters. Prayer is a gift given from Allah who love us to us who love Him. Once  prayer is omitted even if you Qada' your salah it won't feel the same. Yes i admit dulu zaman kecik2 jahil lagi i pon ada tinggal solat with the thought "alaaa nanti kan boleh qada' jugak". I was completely wrong ! Even when i qada' solat i don't feel the excitement and that peacefulness when perfoming the prayer
but i was rather feeling the guilt of not qada' my prayer at all.
So let us not lose the chance to keep worshipping Allah. He is indeed the Most Merciful.
What is so important in our life such as salah can never be better to be replaced. It is indeed the base of our iman.
p/s:i'm sorry for my wrongdoings and the story is not true's just i want to make it easy to understand.

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